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Rona Anderson

"Improving happiness, Increasing performance"

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My Story

During one of my mission trips to Tanzania, I met members of a self-improvement group who were all suffering from a life-threatening illness. Shunned by their families and many of their friends had died of the condition. Yet the group were happy. How could this be? They informed me they were grateful to still be alive and also appreciated they had each other and valued their strong bond and relationship. They practised strategies for happiness.


For many years I had been interested in the science of happiness and hence researched and practice it more. I am a Certified HAPPINESS COACH and Corporate Mental Health Facilitator. I am a speaker and an author in 3 publications. I have over 30 years of people management experience in corporate organisations.


I am also a Partnerships Manager for a Child Development Organisation, a Director of Global Missions for a local church and have set up a befriending service. I am a humanitarian and have volunteered for several charities. Following trekking the Andes and outdoor circuit training, I have developed a huge passion for countryside walks.


In light of the covid19 pandemic where we have been in lockdown, isolated, people dying around us. I ask the question, how can we find happiness? I have strategies to INCREASE happiness, based on scientific evidence and research from experts in the field of positive psychology.

So, helping people have lasting happiness by transforming habits and increasing positive choices through coaching, training and promoting human welfare is my passion.


I increase people’s happiness level so they can have authentic joy in mind, body and spirit.

I believe happiness is a central goal and everyone can find happiness no matter what their circumstances are. I am passionate about people being their authentic selves, choosing to control their own lives and empowering people out of all forms of poverty- physical, emotional and spiritual whilst promoting human welfare.


Through my coaching programs and seminars, I give people keys and strategies to find lasting happiness.

My programs are based on proven scientific evidence and research from experts in the field of positive psychology.


My services are designed and tailored to corporate organisations and individuals and consist of:

  • Happiness coaching sessions

  • Group seminars to improve your happiness level


Transforming habits, increasing positive choices through coaching, training and seminars. Programs based on proven scientific evidence from experts in positive psychology. Discover true happiness with an essential purposeful approach through our coaching strategies and habits that realign your heart with your mind. Transform habits and increase positive choices. Being in a state of happiness improves your health, wellbeing and productivity, reduces stress and builds confidence.




As a Humanitarian I believe in the value of human life. One of my favourite bible stories is the Good Samaritan “Love your neighbour as yourself”. As such, whatever I want for myself, I also want for you. We all have basic human welfare needs- physiological (food, water, warmth, rest) and safety (security of body, resources, education, health). My goal is for everyone’s basic needs to be met while maintaining human dignity. I am in agreement with the number 1 sustainable development goal as decided by the United Nations to End Extreme Poverty. Proceeds from income generated via my coaching will be donated to Christian charitable organisations that also align with this goal.


I am affiliated with several charities and have been on numerous overseas mission trips to help those in need. Over the years I have participated in several physical fundraising challenges. I also work for a Christian Child Development Organisation and am Director of Global Missions at my local church. 


Human life and welfare, meeting basic needs, maintaining dignity is of value. “Love your neighbour as yourself” is our key principle. We endeavour to end the injustices of extreme poverty- physical, emotional and spiritual poverty. We also work with and donate to Christian charities in alignment with the goal to end poverty.

So far, I have had the opportunity to travel 10 times to poverty-stricken countries and there was so much joy in the hearts of many people I met. Investigate for yourself. Through supporting a charity that assists those in the developing world, get to know what a different style of life is like. Try and have personal encounters with those living in poverty and your life and outlook will be drastically changed. You may even better understand where ultimate happiness comes from.

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